Drone Geek Thoughts

4 Companies Primed to Fill Consumer/Prosumer Drone Void…

After some reflection on the situation we are faced with regarding the banishment of DJI and potentially Autel Robotics as well as several OEM parts manufacturers based out of China, I do think there is a prime opportunity for at least two companies to fill the void in the consumer/prosumer space DJI is leaving behind in the United States. Who are they and what stipulations/scenarios must play out for them to slide into this role for the US drone market? Let's talk about it, Let's Talk Drones (hehe, I had to do it)!

Drone Geek Thoughts, Hot Takes

Why Does Everyone Hate Chinese Drones? | Expanding upon my article for The Droning Company

We are at a critical moment in the world of drones, my American friends. The decisions made over the next year are going to dictate what kind of industry we have here in the States, but more importantly they are going to dictate who has access to drone technology and the ability to utilize it however they please. The institution of the American Drone Security Act of 2023 prohibits the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) by the United States federal government that are manufactured or assembled by certain foreign entities, including entities subject to influence or control by China -- beginning in 2026.